Custom Cables Workflow

You need to order custom cables for strength equipment. If the machine is older, or if the manufacturer is no longer in business, it can get expensive! However, it doesn’t have to be. Let National Gym Supply design your replacement custom cables. It’s easy!

Choose a cable type, add the components required, and pick out a length. You see the construction of the cable on screen. It gives you a visual check, so you can compare it to the cable that you’re replacing. Save the cable for future reference, request a quote, or place your order. We will put together a replacement cable in no time – exactly to your specifications.

These cables are compatible with major manufacturer’s machines and meet all the safety standards. It’s good to be the hero at your gym.

Video Transcript

Oh no!

The cable broke on that old piece of selectorized equipment that everyone loves.

What’s worse is the equipment is so old, you’re not even sure they stock the cable anymore.

And if they do, it’s going to be incredible expensive.

Making them yourself is complicated, time-consuming, and these cables have to be safe.

What should you do?

Be a hero, that’s what, and save the day!

Go to and click on the Custom Cables link!

From here, you can build a new cable, or reorder a previous cable that you’ve already built.

Select the cable type you need and click continue.

Next, select the ends by clicking the correct image,

You’ll see the cable you need come together right on your screen.

Next select the length you need.

Be sure to refer to the guide below, as some measurements include the ends, while others do not.

Please note that once you’ve added a cable to your cart, you can only add other cables.

No other types of merchandise will be allowed until you complete this order.

From here, you can save as a quote for later, add a previously ordered cable to this order, build another cable or simply check out.

You may need to login to your account.

Provide the shipping information and the shipping method based on how fast you need your cable.

Be sure to include a PO number with your order.

If you have a terms account with National Gym Supply, you can or simply pay using your credit card.

You will get a page with a confirmation number for your order.

Your custom cable will arrive via the shipping method you selected.

National Gym Supply also carries hundreds of pre-made, off the shelf replacement cables compatible with most major brands of equipment, and they all meet or exceed manufacturers specs.

Once again, you’re the hero because you used National Gym Supply.